Click here to understand the difference between championship & special classes.
How to Build a Championship or Special Class
1. Within ShowBuilder, click 'Classes' and 'Create Class'.
2. Input the details of the class or special championship, including a class name and number and any other settings.
3. The class must then be marked with either 'Is this class a Championship?' or 'Is this class a 'Special' class?'. A class can only be one or the other:
If a class is marked as a championship, the number of qualifying positions feeding into it will need to be included i.e. if 1st and 2nd prizewinners are eligible for this championship, the 'Number of Qualifying Positions' will need to be 2:
4. Add in any relevant prize money, points, trophies etc. and save the class.
Setting Up a Championship or Special Prize
1. Within ShowBuilder, click 'Championships'. This will bring up a list of all your championships and special prizes. They will be coloured white if they do not have any classes feeding into them.
2. Click 'Add/Remove Classes'.
3. Select each of the classes that feed into the relevant championship or special prize using the use the green '+' icon. Classes that have been loaded in will move to the right hand column.
4. Once you have selected all the relevant classes, click 'Save'.
5. Championships or special prizes that have classes loaded into them will change colour in the main list.
6. Once a championship or special prize has classes loaded in (changed colour in the main list), it can then also be fed into other championships or special prizes. This is how interbreed/supreme championships can be built.
7. When classes are fed in from different blocks, they will need to be scheduled separately and thus a 'championship block' created. As soon as classes are fed in from different blocks, the options for creating a new block to house this new championship or special prize will appear below:
The entry form selected will dictate how results are shown out and the order of some of the reports. This can be changed at a later date.