1. Numbering schemes are set for each individual section of your show and are controlled within the 'Edit Details' section.
2. At the bottom of this page, there is a dropdown menu from which the numbering scheme can be selected. Explanations for each of these options are shown below this article.
3. If you have selected 'Entering Object, 'Exhibitor', 'Entering Object & Exhibitor' or 'Per Entry', you will need to input a number from which numbers will be allocated. They will be allocated in the order in which entries are made (postal or online entries). Each section can be started from different numbers if required. This option will not be available if you have selected 'Custom Assignment' as numbers will be allocated after entries close.
4. Click 'Save and Continue'. This process will need to be repeated for each of your sections.
Numbering Scheme Options
- Entering Object - This option will only appear in sections where Showing Scene saves the details of the object being entered into the show (e.g. cattle, horses or steam & vintage vehicles). A number will be allocated as entries come in with each entering object receiving a new number.
- Exhibitor - This option allocates each Exhibitor a new number and tends to be the option utilised for horticulture and craft exhibits. A number will be allocated to each exhibitor as entries come in.
- Entering Object & Exhibitor - This option will only appear in sections where Showing Scene saves the details of the object being entered into the show (e.g. cattle, horses or steam & vintage vehicles). A number will be allocated as entries come in with each combination of entering object and exhibitor receiving a new number; this option tends to be used where each horse and rider combination requires a new number allocating.
- Per Entry - This option allocates every entry a new number and tends to be the option utilised for sheep sections where individual animal data is not saved. A number will be allocated to each exhibitor as entries come in.
- Custom Assignment - This option is selected where numbers need to be allocated once entries have closed and is often used where shows require numbering to be in catalogue order. There is a useful video tutorial that explains how this type of numbering is executed: https://showing-scene-21144.groovehq.com/help/custom-numbering-manual-assignment
Please contact the Showing Scene team if you'd like to discuss these numbering scheme options further: 01872 672446 or support@showingscene.com